PID tuning to meet conditions for settling time and overshoot while a stable system with minimum peak time and zero velocity error.
- Using the rlocus function, I have also shown that the real parts of the poles are negative, so this demonstrates that my system is stable right?
- Also am I using Lsim correctly to determine if velocity error is zero? The resultant graph has a gray line showing the time response, and a blue line that is parallel to it. This means zero velocity error right?
- What is the best way to fine-tune the gain values kp and ki to minimize peak time while ensuring the above conditions are still met?
clc clear all % plant transfer function G = tf([1], [0.5 1.5 1]) kp = 1 ki = 1 % PI controller C = tf([kp ki], [1 0]) % closed loop transfer function T = feedback(C*G, 1) rlocus(T) % Find the poles poles = pole(T) % step response figure; step(T); title('Step Response'); grid on; % Step analysis info = stepinfo(T) % Ramp Input t = 0:0.01:10; ramp = t; % System response to ramp figure; lsim(T, ramp, t); title('Ramp Response') legend grid on
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Here is the solution using pidtune(). There is no direct way to input the desired settling time and overshoot percentage; however, you can enter the desired phase margin. This has been a concern for me in MATLAB for many years. Nevertheless, based on the desired overshoot percentage, you can apply the formula from your lecture notes to determine the desired phase margin.
%% The Plant Gp = tf([1], [0.5 1.5 1])
Gp = 1 ------------------- 0.5 s^2 + 1.5 s + 1 Continuous-time transfer function.
%% Using pidtune Pm = 68.2; % desired Phase Margin opt = pidtuneOptions('PhaseMargin', Pm, 'DesignFocus', 'balanced'); [Gc, info] = pidtune(Gp, 'pidf', opt)
Gc = 1 s
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