I have a .m code what I want to run in python. Is it any easy way? 1. this code is not a function. 2. don't want to show the matlab window. NOTE:- Matlabsolutions.com provide latest MatLab Homework Help, MatLab Assignment Help , Finance Assignment Help for students, engineers and researchers in Multiple Branches like ECE, EEE, CSE, Mechanical, Civil with 100% output.Matlab Code for B.E, B.Tech,M.E,M.Tech, Ph.D. Scholars with 100% privacy guaranteed. Get MATLAB projects with source code for your learning and research. T his is not a big deal. The python code looks like: import matlab.engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab() eng.simple_script(nargout=0) eng.quit() The Matlab script would be perhaps this one line saved as simple_script.m: a = 'it works easily...' Make sure that the script is saved in a folder matlab knows as a search folder. Then run your python script and get the answer: SEE COMPLETE ANSWER CLICK THE LINK https://www.matlabsolu...
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What’s wrong with the “plot” command ?
The plot command will basically display the samples in your .wav file in y-axis, the x-axis being the sample numbers.
A sample .wav file from Alesis Fusion Nylon String Guitar C4
I wrote this simple code
>> a=wavread(‘practice’);
>> b=a(:,1); // variable a contains two separate channels of audio. I took just one channel.
That gives me this graph ..
>> b=a(:,1); // variable a contains two separate channels of audio. I took just one channel.
That gives me this graph ..

Notice the x axis. The axis reaches up to like 10x104.That’s the sample indexes.
If you need to convert the x-axis to time, you need to divide the x-axis by the sampling frequency.
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